It’s still Christmas, right?

I am thinking that it’s time to take down my Christmas tree…

Normally, I keep our Christmas tree up until February (or March or… okay, I have been known to keep it up until July) but considering that the needles are falling off and the ornaments are crashing to the floor, maybe it’s time that I took it down.  Rest assured, I have not turned on the lights for fear of it catching on fire.

Maybe I’ll do it tomorrow. Or the next day.


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5 responses to “It’s still Christmas, right?

  1. Noting the pig ornaments: I was devastated when Hubs broke my handmade, adorable, ceramic pig. Made it when teaching high school back, way back, in the day. Before the farm thing. I guess it was in the blood.

    • cheesychick

      Well, then, you need some pigs on that farm of yours. Tell him you will forgive him for breaking that special ornament if you get a real pig instead. Truthfully, the only thing I like about pigs is bacon (and the ornaments because they are cute).

  2. City Slicker

    Why take it down now? Christmas will be here before you know it!

    • cheesychick

      Again…ha ha ha…ha. You kill me. I secretly think you are jealous and wish you could keep your Christmas tree up until next year but oh, wait. You live in California…the earthquakes and mudslides would knock it over.

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